Providence Commencement

Please note that in order to be eligible to participate in commencement, degree-seeking students must fall under one of the following criteria:

  • Students who are awarded a degree for the Fall 2024 Semester.


  • Students who are REGISTERED AND HAVE A DEGREE COMPLETION SEMESTER for one of the following terms: Spring 2025, Summer 2025, or Fall 2025

To confirm your name and mailing address for your diploma as well as your planned graduation date, please submit an online graduation application, available through jwuLink for eligible graduates, indicating the semester you will complete your degree requirements.

Please note that participation in commencement does not mean that you have graduated. You must satisfy all graduation requirements before receiving a diploma.


2025 Graduate Studies Commencement Ceremony

Saturday, May 3 at the Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP)
1 La Salle Square, Providence, Rhode Island 02903

Graduate ceremony includes graduate and doctoral degree recipients

9:00 AM - Arrival (Doors Open)
10:00 AM - Procession (Prompt Start Time)
11:30 AM - Recessional (Approximate End Time)

Tickets are not required for the graduate ceremony

For those that cannot attend, they may view the ceremony via the Livestream link (Livestream link will be available in late April)

2025 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

Saturday, May 3 at the Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP)
1 La Salle Square, Providence, Rhode Island 02903

1:00 PM - Arrival (Doors Open)
2:00 PM - Procession (Prompt Start Time)
4:00-4:30 PM - Recessional (Approximate End Time)

Tickets will be required for guests for the undergraduate ceremony

For those that cannot attend, they may view the ceremony via the Livestream link (Livestream link will be available in late April).


Prior to commencement, we ask that you let us know your intentions on participating in commencement for planning purposes. Whether or not you plan on attending commencement, we ask that you fill out the CPS Commencement Registration form. The registration form takes less than five minutes to complete and will be utilized to confirm your mailing address for your name cards and tickets. Please fill it out as soon as possible.

Tickets & Name Cards

Which ceremony do guests need tickets?


Tickets are only required for the undergraduate ceremony. Tickets are not required for guests to attend the graduate studies ceremony; there will be ample open seating.

Who needs guest tickets? How do I receive them?


  • Tickets are required for guests to attend the undergraduate commencement ceremony.
  • Your guest tickets will be mailed to the address you list in the registration form.
  • Keep them in a safe spot; we cannot replace them if lost.

How many tickets does each degree recipient receive?


  • You are allotted up to five (5) tickets for guests; you do not need a ticket for yourself.
  • Tickets are complimentary and have no monetary value.
  • Seating is open and not assigned.
  • Any guest who will be occupying a seat needs a ticket (infants aged 2 or under who will be sitting on a lap will not need a ticket).
  • For guests in wheelchairs, accessibility tickets are available. Email [email protected] for assistance.
  • If you wish to request more than five tickets, please email [email protected] AFTER APRIL 7, 2025 to inquire. If extra tickers are available, you can pick them up at the venue (AMP). Please note that the availability of extra tickets IS NOT GUARANTEED.

What is a name card used for?


Name cards will be used to announce your name when you cross the commencement stage. For the graduate ceremony, name cards will be made available for you to pick up at the venue (AMP). For the undergraduate ceremony, name cards will be mailed to you along with your tickets to the address you list in the CPS Commencement Registration Form (available in early January).

If necessary, to make sure your name is pronounced correctly, write clearly and directly on your card the best way to pronounce your name.

What name will be used on my name card?


Your name will match what's listed on your Graduation Application, which you can view in jwuLink. If you prefer to use a different first name (other than your legal name) on your name card and/or in the commencement program, please submit the Graduation Name in Use form by April 4, 2025.


How do I receive my cap, gown & hood?


  • To order your cap & gown, you can place your order online on the Herff Jones reservation website. Herff Jones will ship your order to the address you prefer. The deadline to order online is March 3, 2025.
  • JWU does not have a graduation fee; however, students must purchase their cap, gown & hood:
    • 2025 associate degree regalia is $43 (no graduation hood needed)
    • 2025 bachelor's degree regalia is $75 (includes graduation hood)
    • 2025 master's degree regalia is $84 (includes graduation hood)
  • Your order may be shipped to your home, to a specified address, or to the campus bookstore and held for pickup prior to commencement. Please note that shipping costs to addresses other than the campus bookstore are NOT INCLUDED in the price of the regalia.
  • All degree recipients except associate degree candidates will receive a graduation hood, which is a piece of academic regalia worn during graduation to symbolize a person's academic achievement and degree; they indicate the wearer's degree, discipline, and institution, and vary in length, shape, and color:
    • Gold for Arts
    • Drab for Business, Commerce, Fine Arts, Sciences
    • Light Blue for Education
    • Slate Blue for Occupational Therapy
    • Green for Physician Assistant Studies

How do I wear my graduation regalia?


  • To remove wrinkles, tumble dry your gown on low in a dryer and then place it on a hanger (DO NOT IRON).
  • Under the gown, plan to wear professional attire with comfortable dress shoes.
  • Wear the tassel (included with your cap) on the front-RIGHT of the cap if you're receiving an associate or bachelor's degree; the front-LEFT of the cap if you're receiving a graduate degree.
  • Place the hood over your shoulders and then unfold it to expose the colors.

What are graduation cords?


A cord is a rope-like strand worn during graduation to represent academic achievement. Undergraduate degree recipients with a cumulative GPA 3.5 or higher as of the end of the fall semester will receive a Gold Cord. Your cord will be shipped, along with your name card and tickets, to the address you list on the registration form.

Which students are eligible to participate and walk in 2025 Commencement?


  • Students who are awarded a degree for the Fall 2024 Semester OR
  • Students who are REGISTERED AND HAVE A DEGREE COMPLETION SEMESTER for one of the following terms: Spring 2025, Summer 2025, or Fall 2025

Hotel AccomModations

We recommend visiting for hotel and lodging options. Because rooms can book quickly, we suggest making reservations as early as possible.

Arrival Instructions

Please review all of the information below so you know what to expect and are not late. Additional quick notes:

  • There is no practice ceremony for students (all the information you need is provided on this webpage).
  • Review the commencement program to see the order of exercises for your ceremony. The program will be made available in mid-April.
  • Make a plan prior to the ceremony to reunite with family and friends after the ceremony.
  • Each ceremony will be livestreamed (links will be provided above at a later date).
  • Please stop by campus at any time to take photos at popular spots like Gaebe Commons or the Harborside Wildcat Statue!

Where is commencement being held?


  • It will take place inside the Amica Mutual Pavalion (AMP).
  • The AMP is located at 1 LaSalle Square, Providence, Rhode Island 02903.
  • Please refer to the venue’s website for their arena policies.
  • Bathroom facilities are available only after passing through security and entering the concourse.
  • Concession stands will be open to guests as well.

What time should grads and guests arrive?


  • Graduate Studies Ceremony: Everyone should arrive at 9:00 AM, which is when doors open (the ceremony starts promptly at 10:00 AM).
  • Undergraduate Ceremony: Everyone should arrive at 1:00 PM, which is when doors open (the ceremony starts promptly at 2:00 PM).
  • Be sure to allow sufficient time to park and get situated.

Where can we park?


  • Public lots and facilities are located near the arena (fees and rates vary).
  • Refer to the AMP's website for more information.
  • As a courtesy, JWU’s Downcity Parking Garage (185 Pine Street) will be open and free of charge to JWU students and families from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM; and there will be continuous Wildcat Wheels bus shuttles between the garage and the AMP.
  • Prior to parking, you may pull up to the front of the AMP to drop off guests with physical limitations (ramps are located in front of the building).

Where should graduates enter the AMP?


  • Please follow the service road on the LEFT side of the arena (near the hotel and Starbucks).
  • Follow that road to the BACK of the arena and enter there.
  • After going through the security check, FOLLOW SIGNS to line up with classmates in your college/program (it's listed on your name card).
  • There is NO ALPHABETICAL LINEUP, so you can assemble with your friends and sit together.
  • We'll guide you from there, so please LISTEN to the ushers.
  • If needed, use a restroom now, because you CANNOT use one during the ceremony.

Where should guests of the graduates enter the AMP?


  • Please use the main FRONT entrance.
  • After passing through the security check, guests may sit anywhere (seats are not assigned).
  • As a reminder, tickets are required for the undergraduate commencement ceremony.
  • Guests in wheelchairs may be brought to sections 101, 106, 110, 120, or 124 (the arena does not supply wheelchairs).

What items are not allowed inside the arena?


  • There are security checkpoints at all entrances.
  • Baggage (such as bags, briefcases, backpacks, luggage), drugs, weapons of any kind, noisemakers, laser pointers, balloons, and outside food/beverages are strictly prohibited.

How and when do grads cross the stage?


  • When it’s time, USHERS will guide grads row-by-row to the stage.
  • PAY ATTENTION to those in front of you, and keep the line moving.
  • The stage steps are STEEP, so consider wearing flat footwear.
  • Before walking up the stairs to the stage, you will receive a DIPLOMA COVER (yours to keep).
  • At the top, hand your NAME CARD to the announcer who will use it to read your name out loud to the arena.
  • WALK to center stage, greet the dean, exit the stage, and return to your seat.
  • Professional photographers will take a series of quick PHOTOS, which will be available online at 1-2 weeks after the ceremony.

When does the graduation ceremony end? When and how do we exit?


  • The ceremony ends after the FINAL NAME has been read and the recessional begins.
  • A brief celebration video will play, the platform party will exit the stage, and then USHERS will guide graduates row-by-row to leave.
  • Because leaving early shows extreme disrespect and causes disruption, everyone is expected to stay for the ENTIRE duration of the ceremony.

What if I don't have my name card, or have other questions?


  • When you arrive and pass through the security checkpoint, there will be a welcome table where you can pick up your name card and/or ask any final questions.

Student Speakers

The university seeks two outstanding students (one undergraduate student and one graduate student) to speak at 2025 Commencement. This is an opportunity to deliver an address that inspires, encourages and reflects the visions and hopes of your graduating class. Read on to learn more and apply!


Application Process

Prior to the deadline, email all of the following items to [email protected]:

  • Name and JWU ID #
  • Telephone # (specify day/evening)
  • Major, College, Grade Point Average
  • One draft copy of your commencement address which must be typed & double-spaced


As of the end of the fall semester, students must meet commencement eligibility and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. Good academic, financial and disciplinary standing at JWU are requirements as well. Professional staff enrolled as students are not eligible.

The selection committee will review submissions anonymously & the committee chairperson will invite top candidates to deliver their speeches for final consideration. Each address will be evaluated based on grammar, spelling, theme/idea, coherency, creativity, organization, potential, audience and voice. After final selections are made, committee members will work with each student speaker to finalize their commencement addresses. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Cresta, Special Events Manager, at 401-598-4809 or [email protected]

Writing Guidelines

The address should be no more than 450-500 words and will be delivered to a very large audience. Highlight an experience that your fellow graduates can relate to. Ask yourself, what about your JWU experience has motivated you to get where you are today?

Tips for Writing an Effective Speech

  • Brevity - You have only three minutes for your speech; dawdling will kill your eloquence.
  • Occasion - It is a privilege to be chosen to speak on this occasion; take the time and effort to prepare this speech as you would when writing a crucial class paper.
  • Role - You may not be speaking "for the whole class," but you are a representative of JWU, speaking before the assembled faculty, family and friends, and fellow students, as well as before the Chancellor and our distinguished guests. A commencement speech should make the community proud.
  • Content - We will be seeking considered reflections that result from your years of education at JWU; your audience will be interested in hearing intelligence, passion and wit.

Content to Avoid

  • Personal statements of gratitude to individuals or loyal family and friends, unless they are also generalized as the shared experience of all those graduating
  • Statements about how hard everyone has worked (these are obvious and worn)
  • Slang or inappropriate language

Commencement Privileges as Speaker

  • Network with distinguished guests and university administration prior to the ceremony
  • Sit on stage during the ceremony
  • Have a short bio featured in the commencement program
  • Receive reserved seating for family members and guests

Commencement Programs

To view a list of programs from the Providence ceremony, please visit the Providence Commencement Programs page. Programs for this year's ceremony will be available closer to the date of commencement.

  • Names that are included in the program should not be used as an indicator of final degree completion.
  • Students must satisfy all graduation requirements before officially graduating and receiving a diploma (which is mailed after degree confirmation).
  • To accommodate any name changes or additions post-publication, we will print an addendum update after commencement (please email [email protected] to request a copy).

Photos & Video

Professional photos of graduates approaching and crossing the commencement stage will be available at 1-2 weeks after the ceremony (GradImages takes care and time to individually identify every image and assign it to the correct graduate).

Please note that guests of students are not allowed on the arena floor at any point before or after the ceremony to take photos or videos.

Students and families are encouraged to visit popular on-campus locations such as Gaebe Commons and the Wildcat Statue on the Harborside Greenspace to take photos before or after commencement.

To view galleries and videos from commencement, visit the Providence Commencement Photos & Video page.