Priorities Survey For Online Learners
Johnson & Wales University administered the Ruffalo Noel Levitz Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) in April 2023, following previous administrations in April 2021, April 2018, April 2017, and May 2016. The PSOL provides an opportunity for an online institution to examine the priorities of its online students as a unique group. Since 2009, the PSOL has been administered by more than 300 institutions and completed by over 400,000 students. The PSOL asks students to respond to 26 statements about online learning with both a level of importance and a level of satisfaction. The data from the survey provides the basis to identify the things that matter to JWU’s online students and how satisfied these students are with them. With this information, JWU can target the specific areas most important to its students to enhance both satisfaction and retention. Further, by administering the survey bi-annually, progress in increasing student satisfaction can be objectively measured and documented. View the complete survey results and recap of results.