By Chelsea Delfino with Susanne Wissell
“Chelsea has been such a great intern, that I pretty much work for her at this point! She found our show, went through my Twitter, and saw that we were looking for interns. She did whatever it took to make that happen. What Chelsea did is the high point of what we’re looking for in interns. I can relate to that because I’m a person who twenty-something years ago called, faxed, emailed, and used carrier pigeons — whatever I had to do — to get in the door. Chelsea was knocking on doors, making phone calls, sending emails to get this internship. Chelsea demonstrated great dedication in wanting to work here, so, she got in the door. Hopefully she gets in the next door, to her next professional destination.“
– James Stewart, Executive Producer of the Felger & Mazz program at 98.5 The Sports Hub.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a deep love for sports and the sense of camaraderie that comes with being part of a team. Whether I was on the court playing or enjoying my favorite sports on TV, the competitiveness and passion at the highest level always drew me in. From the moment I could pick up a ball through middle school and high school, I played varsity basketball.

After high school, my commitment to sports continued as I assisted in coaching, scorekeeping, refereeing, and handling miscellaneous tasks for my community’s town league whenever my busy work schedule allowed. Unfortunately, time for these activities became scarcer as life went on. However, one constant remained abundantly clear — the unwavering love my father and I shared for our beloved New England sports teams.
We epitomized the typical ‘father-daughter dynamic duo,’ especially when it came to being New England sports fans. We watched all the Boston sports together, and if, for some reason, we couldn’t watch them together, we made a point to call each other during commercial breaks, after touchdowns, good plays, or impressive shots in basketball. My dad was a simple guy. He didn’t ask for much from me, but just before he passed, he made me promise one thing: to finish school and pursue my dreams, particularly in building a career in the sports industry.
Until recently, I lacked clarity regarding my career path. Initially, I aspired to become a police officer and enrolled in CCRI for criminal justice. After taking a couple of law enforcement courses, I realized the profession wasn’t the right fit for me, despite my deep respect for those in uniform. I decided to complete the semester with general courses at CCRI. Subsequently, I found employment in the medical field, where I spent 13 years acquiring knowledge of techniques, medical processes, procedures, and terms. This knowledge became increasingly valuable as my father’s illness progressed.

My mom graduated from JWU, Summa Cum Laude with a business management degree, so she recommended I check out the programs offered through the College of Professional Studies. When I realized that JWU CPS offered a program for Sports, Events and Entertainment-Management, it immediately clicked. I decided to enroll in courses online and begin my journey at JWU.
On May 8, 2021, just four days after my birthday, a day forever etched in my memory, my father passed away. Honoring his last request, I made a promise that I was determined not to break, under any circumstance. Regardless of whether it would be my final accomplishment, I was resolute in completing my degree and pursuing my dreams.
Since starting my classes at JWU, I’ve found the experience to be more enjoyable than traditional schooling. As I approach the final stretch, I’ve realized that it goes beyond just academic learning. While the courses at JWU have provided me with valuable information and insights into the sports industry, they have also been surprisingly enjoyable, which leads me to believe that maybe this is exactly where I should be, and perhaps what I should have been doing at a career standpoint all along, but better late than never, right?

At JWU CPS, I am acquiring the essential knowledge and practical experience required for success in this highly competitive, but very rewarding industry. I am being exposed to a wide range of subjects, including sports marketing, ticketing strategies, venue and ancillary management, media relations, and concert and music production. The classes are truly rewarding and knowledge based.
My internship at 98.5 with Felger and Mazz at 98.5 The Sports Hub marked a significant stride toward achieving my dream. I consider myself fortunate to have contributed to the Programming Department. Twice a week, from 2 to 6 pm, I interned under the guidance of James Stewart, the Executive Producer of the Felger & Mazz program, who has been a significant influence in my success thus far and has given me useful advice, a positive outlook, and reassurance going forward.
I find great satisfaction in the sports radio broadcasting atmosphere, relishing the opportunity to observe, learn, and engage with callers behind the scenes, gathering their opinions on diverse sports-related topics. I also gained hands-on experience in creating, editing and uploading podcast(s), illustrating segment headlines according to topic, which is a tasking skill that I never thought I would get the opportunity to learn, but one that I am also very grateful I have. My internship has deepened my appreciation for involvement in media. Immersing myself in the sports-minded community at 98.5 The Sports Hub has boosted my confidence, and I have connecting with individuals who are on the career trajectory I aspire to follow. Whether or not I collaborate with them in the future, they have been facilitating introductions to individuals closer to the professional destination I am aiming for.

I must admit, returning to school hasn’t been an easy journey for me. Finding motivation has been a challenge, and there are still days when I struggle to meet assignment deadlines or summon the discipline to study for tests and exams. However, I keep my focus on the light at the end of the tunnel — the prospect of working in an industry I’m passionate about. The remaining courses, mostly centered around my major, add an enjoyable and entertaining element to my academic experience as they align with tasks I’ll be performing in my future career. In conclusion, I want to share a mantra my dad constantly reiterated to me whenever I doubted myself. It’s simple yet profound. When faced with reluctance or a lack of motivation, whether it’s going back to school at JWU CPS or any other endeavor, always remember, “You can do anything if you try.”