When Whitney Houston sang, “I believe the children are our future” in 1985, I wonder if she was actually thinking about what would happen when they took over the workforce someday.
Fast forward to 2018, and the children she was singing about are, for the most part, in charge. They’re leaders, directors, advocates, CEOs, and freethinkers. According to the Pew Research Center, millennials (ages 22 to 37) are the largest generation in the workforce today, with 56 million people either currently working or looking for work.
All of this aside, it’s no secret that some employers—mostly those in an older generation—view these young professionals in a different light. A millennial myself, I’ve heard people refer to us as “lazy,” “whiny,” “entitled,” and “too demanding.” In order to overcome this stigma surrounding millennials, we should highlight the benefits of hiring someone from this generation. Millennials are present in virtually every industry. We are doctors, lawyers, educators, and politicians. We are smart and savvy, and we already have many of the skills we need to get the job done.
Need another reason to hire a millennial? Here are five.
We Are Educated.
More millennials are going to college or studying a trade than any generation before, thus making them productive members of society. According to Pew Research center, about 40 percent of millennial workers ages 25 to 29 had a least a bachelor’s degree in 2016, compared to the 26 percent of Baby Boomers in that age range who had degrees.
We Are Driven.
Millennials are cage-rattlers and advocates for the causes that mean most to them. We are passionate, self-aware, and willing to learn new things to increase our breadth of knowledge. We value ourselves and our time, causing us to be efficient workers who are dedicated to our jobs.
We Are Comfortable with Technology.
While we remember the days of dial-up internet, floppy disks, and beepers, we are very much in tune with the impressive tech updates of contemporary society. If for some reason we’re not familiar with a certain device or program, we’re adaptable and able to figure things out pretty quickly. We can Google anything!
We Have Cultural and Historical Awareness.
Most millennials were five years old or older when the 9/11 terror attacks occurred. We remember the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and many of us (but not me!) voted in the historic 2008 presidential election. Because of these things and more, “millennials are the most racially and ethnically diverse adult generation in the nation’s history,” Pew says.
We Value Company Culture.
Seriously, we’re not just here for the perks. When you think of millennial-focused companies, you might be thinking coffee bars, free food, and foosball tables. While these things could bring a millennial into the company initially, there’s a big chance they will decide to stay based on what the company values. Like I said, we’re driven—so if we like and agree with what you’re doing, we’ll probably stay for a while.
Now, I’m sure there are probably a few millennial workers out there who embody the negative stereotypes; please don’t hold us all accountable for their actions. Many of us are willing to work and are happy to be part of a team—you just need to give us a chance!
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