As an online student at JWU, you are never required to be online in your courses at a certain time. However, previous students say that budgeting dedicated time each week for your coursework is key to success. Here is a basic timeline of activities recommended by the online advising team:

Check For Announcements
Instructors typically post announcements early Monday morning to welcome you to the week, so it is a good time to log into ulearn and make yourself a to-do list for the upcoming week.

Start Discussion Posts
Most courses have a weekly discussion board that you are required to participate in. Tuesday is a good day to start writing your initial post. It’s also a good time to begin any writing, video, or reading assignments.

Chat with Classmates
Though not all of your classmates may have posted on the discussion board yet, you can still get started on your weekly responses. You can always come back and finish up. You should also get started gathering the resources needed to complete this week’s assignments.

Work on Assignments
Thursday is good day to begin any quizzes or assignments. Keep in mind that most assignments aren’t typically due until Sunday (NOTE: always check your syllabus for assignment deadlines), so you have some time if you need to review your coursework.

Take A Break
Life happens to all of us! You likely have family, friends, and work obligation that you need to attend to after a long week. So, if you’re on track with your coursework, you can enjoy some time to do other things!

Finalize Your Work
Your assignments are most likely due Sunday night, so make sure you have everything completed. If you haven’t done so yet, respond to your classmates on the discussion board. Email your professor if you are unable to submit your work on time.

Submit Your Assignments
Double-check to make sure that all of your work has been completed and submitted! Communicate with your professor if you are unable to submit on time.
Congrats! You made it through another week of your program!
Keep the lines of communication with your professor and academic advisor open, and reach out if you are struggling at any time. Our goal is to help you have the best possible educational experience!