Exploring the Major: Is Computer Science a Good Major?

Exploring the Major: Is Computer Science a Good Major?

Exploring the Major: Is Computer Science a Good Major? banner

As technology continues to advance at a heightened pace, there has been an explosion in technology-focused degree options to complement that growth. From engineering to robotics or even artificial intelligence, career opportunities in technology continue to expand. The best way to determine which technology-focused degree might be right for you is to weigh your interests, passions, and career goals. Researching what kind of jobs these fields offer—and understanding the different starting salaries—can also be helpful. One of the most ubiquitous degree programs you’ll stumble across in your research is computer science, so you may be asking yourself, “is computer science a good major?”

Taking the plunge into a computer science curriculum may be intimidating, but if you’re passionate about technology, it could be one of the best decisions you ever make! Computer science degrees are some of the most beneficial and sought-after degrees available in the technology field today. With an array of specialties and job opportunities, a degree in computer science can open doors to both large organizations and fast-growing start-ups. Plus, many resources are available to develop practical experience and research activities that can help hone your skills in your chosen specialty.


Computer science studies how to solve problems and create useful products using computers and technology. With computer science, you can develop innovative, creative ways to use computing systems and data or learn how to design software applications, hardware components, and networks that are distributed worldwide. By studying computer science, you can gain skills related to programming languages and software engineering and become proficient in theoretical aspects such as algorithms, architecture, cybersecurity, and more.

Computer science is a field with limitless potential. Its focus on problem-solving and critical thinking provides an excellent foundation for those interested in a creative and dynamic career. In addition to learning coding languages and the fundamentals of programming, pursuing a degree in computer science also exposes you to a wide range of opportunities for further specialization, such as artificial intelligence, algorithm development, and game design. Diverse fields such as medicine, finance, marketing, architecture, law enforcement, and education are now leveraging technologies developed by computer scientists to create new products and services that greatly benefit society. Whether you pursue software engineering or data science as your career path within this major, you can be confident that your work has the potential to make a real impact on our rapidly changing world. 


A Bachelor of Science in Computer Science curriculum is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer science, such as programming languages, machine architecture, software and systems analysis, algorithmic thinking, and theoretical foundations of computing. 

Modern computer science applications extend far beyond the boundaries of academia, impacting business, economics, sciences, and mathematics alike. Computer science students can often pursue elective options to create a degree specialized to their career ambitions. For example, students in the Computer Science bachelor’s degree program at Johnson & Wales University College of Professional Studies can choose to specialize in either network engineering or software engineering. Courses typically included in a computer science degree program include:

  • Problem Solving & Programming Concepts
  • Advanced-Data Structures
  • Programming Languages
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Architecture
  • And more!

Why is Computer Science Important?

Computer science is essential for numerous reasons, contributing to its indispensability in the modern world. One of its primary strengths lies in cultivating problem-solving skills, imparting a systematic and logical approach applicable across various domains. Additionally, computer science serves as a catalyst for innovation, propelling technological advancements that shape our daily lives. Its role in automation enhances efficiency and reduces task errors, particularly in manufacturing and finance. The discipline’s influence extends to communication and networking, underpinning the development and maintenance of global connectivity through the Internet.

Furthermore, computer science plays a pivotal role in managing and analyzing vast datasets, fostering informed decision-making in an era dominated by big data. As a guardian of cybersecurity, it develops strategies to protect digital information and systems. Economically, the technology industry, driven by computer science, contributes significantly to growth, job creation, and entrepreneurial endeavors. In education, it imparts programming skills, computational thinking, and logical reasoning, shaping individuals for success in various aspects of life. Its interdisciplinary nature allows for applications in biology, medicine, and finance, highlighting its versatility and impact on diverse domains. Computer science is a linchpin that continues to shape and redefine how we navigate and thrive in the contemporary world.

Is Computer Science a Good Degree?

Earning a computer science degree offers students a range of unique advantages, making it a highly sought-after field of study. With advancements in technology shaping our world, the demand for skilled computer scientists continues to grow. A computer science degree equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in various industries, from software development and cybersecurity to artificial intelligence and data analysis.

Earning a computer science degree offers students a range of unique advantages, including the following:

Preparation for a Variety of Different Careers

Pursuing a computer science degree can be a significant step towards many remarkable career opportunities that are both lucrative and in high demand. From software engineering to mobile development and user experience design, those equipped with the technical skillset learned in a computer science program will be in high demand in today’s tech-driven society. With problem-solving and analytical strengths developed from courses such as programming, data structures, and algorithms, computer science majors will also be well-prepared for fast-growing disciplines such as game design, system security, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. With such an extensive selection of related jobs and industries to choose from, you can find the perfect fit that best aligns with your individual goals and interests. And by accessing technology-centered instruction as part of earning your degree, you’ll also gain essential skills employers are looking for in any position.

Admission to a Growing Industry

Computer science has become an increasingly important field of study in recent years, and both individuals and businesses are beginning to take a more serious interest in the subject, as it is a major part of the high-tech industry and plays an integral role across many other industries, from healthcare to food delivery services. With an ever-growing number of businesses depending on sophisticated software solutions to achieve their goals, now is an excellent time to start building your career in computer science. Whether you’re interested in developing the latest apps or getting involved with AI technologies, there are plenty of exciting job opportunities out there. Investing your time and energy into learning computer science can pay big dividends now and into the future as this rapidly expanding industry continues to evolve.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), “The median annual wage for this group was $104,420 in May 2023, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $48,060.”

Higher Earning Potential

Many employers prefer to hire candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree, so earning a degree in computer science is an excellent way to increase your earning potential. A high-quality education assures employers of your qualifications, making you more likely to be hired. In addition to boosting confidence in your abilities, employers are more likely to invite candidates with bachelor’s degrees for interviews since it demonstrates commitment, problem-solving skills, and self-discipline. Consequently, obtaining a computer science degree can be an important step toward a financially rewarding career.

Advance Your Skillset in Computer Science

A computer science degree is a stepping stone to technological innovation. It equips students with a versatile skill set, crucial for adapting to the rapid advancements in tech. Specializing in areas like software engineering and network engineering. Continuous learning through certifications, workshops, and internships is essential. This proactive approach transforms graduates into tech leaders, ready to solve complex problems and drive progress.

What Jobs Can You Get with a Computer Science Degree? 7 Options

Upon completing a computer science degree, you should be able to utilize your expertise in mathematics, science, and engineering and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in software programming, networking systems design, computer science, and project management to maximize career success. You’ll be prepared to meticulously examine issues and develop software solutions using computer science concepts and processes to formulate, implement, and test software-based algorithms. Create adaptable and efficient solutions that reflect ethical considerations in a global context in roles such as:

Computer and Information Research Scientist

A computer and information research scientist is at the forefront of technological innovation and discovery. These scientists delve into complex computing problems and develop new approaches to technology that can lead to significant advancements in various fields. Their work encompasses a broad range of tasks, from creating new algorithms and improving software systems to pioneering developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With a strong foundation in theory, they apply their expertise to practical challenges, contributing to the creation of new technology that can enhance everything from healthcare to entertainment.

According to the BLS, computer and information research scientists earn a median pay of $145,080 per year.

Web Developer

A web developer is a creative and technical professional who specializes in the design and development of websites and web applications. They bring digital ideas to life by constructing user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and fully functional websites. Utilizing a variety of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular, web developers meticulously craft the front-end to ensure an engaging user experience. They also delve into back-end coding, working with servers and databases to ensure robust and secure data handling. With a keen eye for design and a solid understanding of user interfaces, web developers play a pivotal role in creating the digital face of businesses and organizations.

According to the BLS, web developers and digital designers earn a median pay of $92,750 per year.


A computer programmer is a skilled professional responsible for creating, testing, and debugging software programs to make them user-friendly. They are the experts behind the scenes who use programming languages like Python, C++, or Java to build efficient applications that can be used to create websites, games, and countless other digital solutions. By understanding computer science concepts such as logic, algorithms, and data structures, a computer programmer works hard to ensure that systems run smoothly – no matter how complex. It requires strong analytical abilities, creative problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of multiple coding languages. Understanding human-computer interactions is also crucial for them to design their creations effectively.

According to the BLS, computer programmers earn a median pay of $99,700.

Data Scientist

A data scientist is a highly sought-after job because of the growing demand for big data analytics. Data scientists use their technical skills and knowledge to analyze complex datasets, uncover trends and patterns, and help make informed decisions regarding a wide range of topics. They often utilize Microsoft Excel to help them throughout this process. They need to be well-versed in mathematics and statistics, as much of the data analysis involves working with numbers. Data scientists must also have strong programming skills to apply processes like machine learning to large volumes of information. While it’s possible to become self-taught in these areas, many employers prefer that candidates have formal training or educational qualifications. Data scientists typically work in teams alongside software engineers and other experts to uncover business insights that can help shape strategies and drive innovation within an organization.

The median pay for data scientists is $108,020 per year, as per the BLS. The job outlook is 35%, which is much faster than the projected growth rate for all occupations.

Software Developer

A software developer uses code to create, test, and maintain digital programs and applications. Software developers may work alone or as part of a larger team that includes digital engineers, UX designers, and project managers. They design and develop complex algorithms and systems architecture for web, mobile, desktop, gaming platforms, and systems software. In addition to coding with languages like Java, HTML, CSS, and Python, a software developer evaluates current systems or designs new ones that are more effective and efficient based on user requirements. Software developers must stay up-to-date on the latest coding standards, programming techniques, and solutions to ensure their applications are secure and effective and build the best possible products for their employers or clients.

As of May 2023, the BLS indicates a median annual wage of $132,270 and a projected job outlook of 25%, much faster than average.

Information Security Analyst

An information security analyst is a highly specialized technology professional who protects an organization’s data systems, network infrastructure, and digital assets by installing and maintaining cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and data encryption. Usually working as part of a larger team responsible for maintaining the IT security plan and policies, they ensure that the company’s systems, networks, applications, and databases are all safeguarded and protected from hackers or other malicious attacks. They also monitor networks to detect suspicious activity, respond promptly to security breaches, and make necessary repairs or updates. Information security analysts must have both technical knowledge of varying IT-related protocols and standards and an understanding of business strategy to succeed in their roles. To stay ahead in this highly competitive field, they must continually monitor trends in the industry and keep up to date with the latest malware and hacker techniques, preventing them from harming an organization’s valuable data.

The median annual pay of an information security analyst is $120,360, with a job outlook of 32% (much faster than average), according to the BLS.

Database Administrator

A database administrator often referred to as a DBA, is responsible for installing, updating, and maintaining an organization’s databases. A DBA keeps organized databases running effectively and efficiently by controlling multiple users’ access to the system. They ensure authorized personnel are allowed access to accurate, up-to-date information from the database while protecting it from unauthorized third parties. In addition, DBAs organize regular backups of data, monitor performance, and make complex changes when necessary. It is a rewarding job as they help organizations operate at peak efficiency while also protecting valuable information.

As of 2023, the BLS estimates a median annual pay of $117,450 per year for database administrators, with a faster-than-average job growth rate of 8%.


With continuous technological advances, the future is undoubtedly bright for computer science majors. Job opportunities abound, and with a degree in computer science, individuals have the power to steer the direction of tomorrow’s digital landscape by solving complex problems and crafting innovative solutions. 

When you’re ready to embark on a brighter future, consider the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Johnson & Wales. This 100% online program will help you fine-tune your technical abilities and hone your expertise in an array of translatable skills, positioning you for success. For more information about completing your degree online complete the Request Info form, call 855-JWU-1881, or email [email protected].

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