How to Optimize Your Supply Chain With Data Analytics: Tips and Tools

How to Optimize Your Supply Chain With Data Analytics: Tips and Tools

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The practical applications for data analytics in the world of supply chain management are both numerous and remarkable. If you are interested in supply chain optimization, you should be interested in supply chain data analytics.

Read on for a targeted examination of data analytics in supply chain management, as well as advice on the best analytics practices and digital tools to promote supply chain optimization.

Understanding the Role of Data Analytics in Supply Chain Optimization

Data analytics plays a key role in the professional lives of countless individuals who want to optimize supply chain operations and oversight. From supply chain and purchasing managers to logistics analysts and warehouse operations team leads, nearly all supply chain management careers are shaped by data analytics.

The Evolution of Supply Chain Management Through Data Analytics

Efficient and effective supply chain management demands the seamless and simultaneous coordination of many different procurement, distribution, and general logistics operations. To accomplish this complicated feat, supply chain managers are increasingly turning to data analytics, which, in the words of business research and development authority Proventa International “involves the systematic analysis of vast amounts of data to derive valuable insights and support informed decision-making.” In terms of supply chain management, this means allowing companies “to make strategic choices based on accurate and real-time data, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities.”

Key Benefits of Integrating Data Analytics

Supply chain organizations and professionals who embrace data analytics enjoy numerous key advantages. Proventa lists efficiency-related cost reduction, increased industry-wide transparency, and the mitigation of potentially disruptive risks among the most compelling supply chain benefits that data analytics offer.

Essential Data Analytics Tools for Supply Chain Management

A myriad of different analytics tools contribute to modern supply chain management. The most essential of these tools include the following.

Real-Time Tracking Systems

This category of data analytical tool is designed to help organizations and individuals track the movement of items as they pass from link to link in the supply chain. They can be programmed to alert users as items pass particular milestones (dates and times when certain activities occur) during their supply chain journey. Forbes Advisor considers Anvyl the best of all digital analytics tools for milestone tracking.

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive analytics help supply chain managers determine probable outcomes and identify disruptive problems before they occur. In terms of predictive analytics capabilities, one of the leading supply chain management platforms today is Deloitte Supply Chain Solutions.

Inventory Management Software

Oracle NetSuite is a leader in the world of inventory management software. These automated digital systems can be programmed to maintain optimum inventory levels automatically while eliminating logistical inefficiencies and reducing handling expenses.

Transportation Management Systems

While many supply chain data analytics systems focus on packages, transportation management systems focus on the methods of conveying these packages from place to place. The enterprise transportation management system FreightPOP was declared “best for shipping” by Forbes Advisor.

Demand Forecasting Tools

To ensure that important goods are on hand when both businesses and individual consumers require them, demand forecasting tools that use digital analytics are an absolute must. When it comes to expert supply planning, Forbes Advisor names Oracle NetSuite best in class.

Strategies for Implementing Data Analytics in Your Supply Chain

While it is crucial to choose the right data analytics tools as a supply chain manager, the best tools in the world will accomplish nothing if they aren’t properly implemented and used. What follows are just a few broad strategies to guide that implementation and use.

Developing a Data-Driven Culture

You can greatly streamline the implementation of data analytics and other complex technologies by establishing a data-driven culture within your organization. A company culture that embraces data and its practical uses is better poised to discover hidden opportunities and drive effective decision-making. To foster a data-driven culture, the Harvard Business Review recommends starting at the very top by securing the partnership of the organization’s senior-most executives. You can then convince others of the value of data by demonstrating concrete proofs of concept beforehand and addressing data analysis-related issues immediately as they occur.

Integrating Cross-Functional Data Sources

In a Supply Chain Brain article, Connor Stewart and Adam Robbins recommend open collaboration with players and partners in both vertical and horizontal lines of integration. “Organizations will need to manage their supply chain network less like a cost center and more like a continuous value-generation engine,” they write. “People, process and technology all play a key role in continuously improving the supply chain and reducing disruptions to establishing cross-functional alignment and supply chain resiliency.”

Staying Updated on Industry Trends and Best Practices

Driven by the rapid pace of technological advancement as well as ongoing refinements in process strategy, the field of data analytics is in constant flux. Therefore, it is important to remain up to date with the latest changes in the field as it relates to the platforms that you use as a supply chain manager. This will not only pay dividends in terms of technology integration but ongoing technology employment.

Collaboration with Other Departments

Much like cross-functional player and partner collaboration across supply chain links, practical information-sharing among internal departments is essential to effective and efficient data analytics implementation. By ensuring that all company departments are on the same page with implementation processes, the professional leading these processes can better ensure the smooth delivery of the many benefits that data analytics has to offer.

Practical Tips for Effective Supply Chain Optimization

As you foster and maintain your supply chain analytics system, here are a couple of general guidelines to ensure that it delivers maximum results:

Regularly Review and Adjust Strategies

As the technology and methodologies behind data analytics advance at a dramatically rapid rate, you must constantly review and adjust your organization’s strategies to make sure that you are getting the absolute most out of your supply chain operations. It is also a good idea to conduct regular audits of your data analytics systems to ensure that it aligns with the evolution of the larger supply chain infrastructure and the demands of the industry in which your organization operates.

Foster Strong Supplier Relationships

Data analytics platforms and other forms of advanced technology are invaluable to supply chain managers, but you simply cannot overestimate the supreme importance of old-fashioned relationship-building. Strengthening your supply chain starts with establishing and maintaining long-lasting, mutually beneficial supplier relationships. Utilizing data analytics and other key tools is essential to optimizing these partnerships.

Successful Supply Chain Optimization Using Data Analytics

The advantages of optimizing supply chain processes and operations with data analytics are well established in many different industries and sectors. To illustrate, let’s take a concentrated look at the ways that supply chain analytics have positively impacted the lives of retail and manufacturing professionals.

Retail Industry Breakthroughs

Because retail organizations cannot sell products to customers if they don’t have an adequate supply, the inventory management capabilities of data analytics are extremely helpful. However, this is only the beginning of the advantages that data analytics systems present to retailers. As just a few examples, retailers can leverage the massive power of consumer data to target consumer segments, optimize prices, and detect fraud.

For instance, integrating IoT and AI technologies helps retailers predict demand patterns and manage inventory proactively, reducing costs and ensuring product availability. Microsoft Azure, for example, enhances supply chain visibility by consolidating data from disparate sources, enabling real-time analytics that drive operational changes and efficiencies​. This holistic use of data not only supports operational decision-making but also provides a competitive edge in a fast-paced market.

Manufacturing Sector Innovations

Manufacturing organizations also commonly employ data analytics systems to manage inventory supply levels. But the supply chain benefits of data analytics for manufacturers do not end there. Using analytics platforms, manufacturers can identify potential efficiency gains that can optimize operations from the assembly line to the warehouse. Consider the words of the data cloud solution provider Snowflake: “From reconfiguring the assembly line layout to boost production volumes to more efficiently managing the movements of product in the warehouse, incremental improvements implemented over time can reduce costs and lead to significant gains in profitability.”

Overcoming Common Challenges in Data-Driven Supply Chain Optimization

Although the advantages of supply chain analytics are many, its complexity inevitably leads to a few hassles and headaches. Fortunately, you can quickly and effectively overcome the common challenges associated with data-driven supply chains if you establish a framework to address them.

Managing Data Quality and Consistency

Garbage in, garbage out. This adage has been used to describe countless situations, but it particularly resonates in the data analytics community. In short, even the very best analytics platform is only as good as the data that goes into it. From simple calculation mistakes to deep-rooted biases and prejudices, the information that we plug into supply chain analytics systems often reflects our human imperfections and frailties. But by judiciously monitoring data quality and consistency, we can better position ourselves for optimum results.

Ensuring Data Security and Privacy

With cybersecurity breaches making headlines on a routine basis, data privacy is a top concern for organizations and people alike. Supply chain managers must remain vigilant against potentially devastating attacks by hackers. “The average cost of a data breach is nearly $4 million,” reports Industry Weekly, “so companies need to protect their supply chains with a combination of layered defenses.” Fortunately, there are many state-of-the-art data protection tools that provide effective protection against malware, ransomware, and all types of cyberattack.

Future Trends in Supply Chain Management With Data Analytics

As previously discussed, the technology and modalities that underlie data analytics are constantly evolving. And supply chain practices must also adapt to meet ongoing changes in human society and the natural environment. An increased reliance on automation and a pronounced emphasis on hyperlocality are just two among numerous supply chain trends currently shaping the sector. Prominent examples of supply chain automation range from software that automatically calculates optimum inventory levels to robots that physically transport and deliver packages. The hyperlocality movement, by contrast, concentrates on limiting necessary package movement by sourcing all supply chain items and processes within a narrow geographic area. Here are two other trends changing the supply chain as we know it.

The Rise of AI and Machine Learning

The emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning has influenced supply chain operations in many ways. “AI is useful in identifying the impact of emerging logistical issues and taking proactive and timely actions based on likely scenarios,” writes the supply chain AI provider 3C. “Transportation routes can be AI-optimized for desired objectives, such as cost, delivery times, or risk, and can recommend alternative routes as new conditions emerge.”

Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Security

Blockchain technology is reshaping supply chain management by enhancing transparency and security across various industries. It provides an immutable ledger that records every transaction, ensuring data accuracy and security, which is crucial for verifying and auditing supply chain activities in real-time. Companies like DHL are leveraging blockchain to optimize logistics by enabling real-time insights into transactions and automating processes with smart contracts, which streamline payments and improve efficiency​. Moreover, blockchain supports ethical practices by allowing consumers to track the provenance of products, ensuring they are sustainably and ethically sourced​. As blockchain technology advances, it promises to transform supply chain management with increased transparency, reduced disputes, and enhanced stakeholder trust.

Pursue Supply Chain Management at JWU

At Johnson & Wales University, we cover digital analytics at the undergraduate level with our online Operations & Supply Chain Management degree and at the graduate level with our online MBA in Operations & Supply Chain Management.

For more information about completing your degree online, complete the Request Info form, call 855-JWU-1881, or email [email protected].

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